Population Living Below Income Poverty Line


This indicator shows the percentage of the population living on less than $1.90 a day at 2011 international prices. A measure widely used to gauge income poverty.

Data source: United Nations, Washington D.C.

Human Development Data: All Countries % Population Below the Poverty Line
Madagascar 78.8
Congo, Dem. Rep 77.2
Malawi 73.5
Burundi 72.8
Mozambique 63.7
Zambia 58.7
Rwanda 56.5
Angola 49.9
Tanzania 49.4
Liberia 44.4
Sierra Leone 43.0
Niger 41.4
Uganda 41.0
Congo, Rep. 39.6
Zimbabwe 39.5
Nigeria 39.1
Papua New Guinea 38.0
Kenya 37.1
Burkina Faso 33.7
Chad 33.2
Ethiopia 30.8
Eswatini 29.2
Lesotho 27.2
Cameroon 26.0
Guinea-Bissau 24.7
Haiti 24.5
Togo 24.1
Guinea 23.2
India 22.5
Benin 19.2
Comoros 19.1
South Africa 18.7
Yemen, Rep. 18.3
Mali 16.3
Nepal 15.0
Honduras 14.8
Botswana 14.5
Bangladesh 14.3
Namibia 13.8
Ghana 12.7
Sudan 12.2
Colombia 10.3
Gambia 10.3
Laos 10.0
Cote d'Ivoire 9.2
Guatemala 8.8
Senegal 7.6
Ecuador 6.5
Mauritania 6.0
Bolivia 4.4
Peru 4.4
Georgia 4.2
Tajikistan 4.1
Egypt 3.8
Pakistan 3.6
Gabon 3.4
Nicaragua 3.4
North Macedonia 3.4
Mexico 3.1
Philippines 2.7
Serbia 2.3
Indonesia 2.2
Costa Rica 2.1
Vietnam 1.8
Brazil 1.7
Argentina 1.6
Bhutan 1.5
Myanmar 1.4
El Salvador 1.3
Kyrgyzstan 1.1
Morocco 0.9
Sri Lanka 0.9
Dominican Republic 0.8
Paraguay 0.8
Mongolia 0.5
Algeria 0.4
Armenia 0.4
Tunisia 0.2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.1
China 0.1
Jordan 0.1
Afghanistan 0.0
Albania 0.0
Australia 0.0
Austria 0.0
Azerbaijan 0.0
Bahamas, The 0.0
Bahrain 0.0
Belarus 0.0
Belgium 0.0
Bulgaria 0.0
Cambodia 0.0
Canada 0.0
Central African Republic 0.0
Chile 0.0
Croatia 0.0
Cyprus 0.0
Czechia 0.0
Denmark 0.0
Estonia 0.0
Finland 0.0
France 0.0
Germany 0.0
Greece 0.0
Guyana 0.0
Hong Kong 0.0
Hungary 0.0
Iceland 0.0
Ireland 0.0
Israel 0.0
Italy 0.0
Jamaica 0.0
Japan 0.0
Kazakhstan 0.0
Korea, Rep. 0.0
Kuwait 0.0
Latvia 0.0
Lebanon 0.0
Libya 0.0
Lithuania 0.0
Luxembourg 0.0
Malaysia 0.0
Malta 0.0
Mauritius 0.0
Moldova 0.0
Netherlands 0.0
New Zealand 0.0
Norway 0.0
Oman 0.0
Panama 0.0
Poland 0.0
Portugal 0.0
Qatar 0.0
Romania 0.0
Russia 0.0
Saudi Arabia 0.0
Singapore 0.0
Slovak Republic 0.0
Slovenia 0.0
Spain 0.0
Suriname 0.0
Sweden 0.0
Switzerland 0.0
Thailand 0.0
Türkiye 0.0
Turkmenistan 0.0
Ukraine 0.0
United Arab Emirates 0.0
United Kingdom 0.0
United States 0.0
Uruguay 0.0
Uzbekistan 0.0

See: Data for individual countries by using country lists

Note: Data shows the percentage of people living below the income poverty line.
Note: The global income povery line is $1.90 per day.
Note: Only countries with population below the poverty line shown.

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