The Worlds Growth Engine

Asian GDP is over twice that of the Americas, 3 times that of Europe and 8 times Africa.

Asian GDP is now significantly larger than the rest of the World combined. Asian countries accounted for over 70% of global GDP growth over the decade to 2023.

GDP per Capita is growing much faster in Asia than in other regions but is still substantially lower than GDP per Capita in America and Europe suggesting significant growth potential remains in prospect.

GDP per Capita by Region
GDP PPP for 2013-2023
Asia - The Worlds Growth Engine

The population of Asia is larger than that of Africa, the Americas and Europe combined. Life expectancy and age dependency levels are similar to those of Europe and the Americas, and higher and lower respectively than those seen in Africa.

Governance is within the A-C rating bands, and therefore reasonable. However, the total includes China, Russia, Bangladesh, and other countries with the lowest E Governance rating, signifying a level of untrustworthiness that should alarm investors of all kinds.

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