Thought for the day

Living Standards in Turkey are Almost Double Those in the Stagnating Middle East

Turkish GDP per capita rises despite governance issues

Last updated: 3 July 2024
Turkey's GDP Per Capita Growth
Index: 1995=100
Living Standards in Turkey are Almost Double Those in the Stagnating Middle East
* GDP in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data.

Real GDP per capita in Turkey increased by 115% in the last twenty-five years, faster than the rise across Emerging Markets of 39%, while the standard of living across the Middle East stagnated rising by a marginal 4%. In the last decade, the country’s cumulative average annual real growth was high at 5.1% and Turkey contributed 3.2% to the total growth in global output. Despite, its success the quality of institutions in Turkey is relatively poor with a World Economics Governance score of 33.8. See more data...

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