Thought for the day

NATO Countries Collectively Greatly Outspend
Russia on Military Matters

Last updated: 27 December 2024
Previous days NATO vs. Russia Thoughts looked at resources available to the potential combatants. Today's chart looks at actual defence expenditures of NATO countries combined and Russia, rather than at GDP (resources). It should be remembered that not all defence expenditure is directed towards the Ukraine. But as the chart shows, should NATO wish to fully engage with Russia, the expenditure imbalance is very large in favour of NATO.

NATO’s Combined GDP Dwarfs Russia’s
GDP in Purchasing Power Parity Terms, Billions, Int$
NATO Countries Collectively Greatly Outspend - Russia on Military Matters

Notes: GDP in Purchasing Power Parity 2017 terms with added estimates for the size of the informal economy and adjustments for out-of-date GDP base year data. NATO defence spending data as per NATO figures. Russia’s military spending estimated at 6% of GDP.

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