CongoDemRep's Average Years of Schooling


Mean years of schooling (MYS), the average number of completed years of education of a population, is a widely used measure of a country's stock of human capital. The global average is 8.7 years.

CongoDemRep has an average of 7 years, placing it 111st of 150 in the global listings.

CongoDemRep's data is highlighted in the table below, use the filter and sort order options to allow easy comparison with other countries.

Data source: United Nations, Washington D.C.

Mean Years of Schooling: All Countries Data

Germany 14.1
Canada 13.8
Iceland 13.8
United States 13.7
Estonia 13.5
Lithuania 13.5
Japan 13.4
United Kingdom 13.4
Israel 13.3
Latvia 13.3
Portugal 13.2
Denmark 13.0
Luxembourg 13.0
Norway 13.0
Czechia 12.9
Finland 12.9
New Zealand 12.9
Slovenia 12.9
Georgia 12.8
Rwanda 12.8
South Africa 12.8
Australia 12.7
United Arab Emirates 12.7
Bahamas, The 12.6
Netherlands 12.6
Switzerland 12.6
Korea, Rep. 12.5
Belgium 12.4
Cyprus 12.4
Austria 12.3
Kazakhstan 12.3
Croatia 12.2
Hong Kong 12.2
Hungary 12.2
Malta 12.2
Belarus 12.1
Slovak Republic 11.9
Uzbekistan 11.9
Moldova 11.8
Oman 11.7
France 11.6
Ireland 11.6
Trinidad and Tobago 11.6
Bulgaria 11.4
Greece 11.4
Kyrgyzstan 11.4
Sierra Leone 11.4
Spain 11.4
Albania 11.3
Armenia 11.3
Russia 11.3
Senegal 11.3
Tajikistan 11.3
Turkmenistan 11.3
Argentina 11.1
Ukraine 11.1
Bahrain 11.0
Chile 10.9
Sudan 10.8
Italy 10.7
Malaysia 10.6
Sri Lanka 10.6
Azerbaijan 10.5
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10.5
Papua New Guinea 10.5
Jordan 10.4
Mauritius 10.4
Botswana 10.3
North Macedonia 10.2
Romania 10.0
Panama 9.9
Philippines 9.9
Bolivia 9.8
Sweden 9.8
Egypt 9.6
Qatar 9.6
Gabon 9.4
Mongolia 9.4
Dominican Republic 9.3
Brunei 9.2
Jamaica 9.2
Mexico 9.2
Poland 9.0
Uruguay 9.0
Colombia 8.9
Peru 8.9
Costa Rica 8.8
Ecuador 8.8
Lebanon 8.7
Thailand 8.7
Zimbabwe 8.7
Guyana 8.6
Indonesia 8.6
Türkiye 8.6
Vietnam 8.4
Ghana 8.3
Algeria 8.1
Brazil 8.1
China 7.6
Libya 7.6
Bangladesh 7.4
Tunisia 7.4
Kuwait 7.3
El Salvador 7.2
Namibia 7.2
Nigeria 7.2
Zambia 7.2
Honduras 7.1
Nicaragua 7.1
Congo, Dem. Rep 7.0
India 6.7
Kenya 6.7
Myanmar 6.4
Tanzania 6.4
Cabo Verde 6.3
Cameroon 6.2
Congo, Rep. 6.2
Lesotho 6.0
Morocco 5.9
Guatemala 5.7
Uganda 5.7
Eswatini 5.6
Haiti 5.6
Angola 5.4
Laos 5.4
Bhutan 5.2
Cote d'Ivoire 5.2
Cambodia 5.1
Comoros 5.1
Liberia 5.1
Madagascar 5.1
Nepal 5.1
Togo 5.0
Mauritania 4.9
Paraguay 4.7
Gambia 4.6
Singapore 4.6
Malawi 4.5
Pakistan 4.5
Saudi Arabia 4.4
Benin 4.3
Central African Republic 4.3
Suriname 3.8
Guinea-Bissau 3.6
Ethiopia 3.2
Mozambique 3.2
Yemen, Rep. 3.2
Burundi 3.1
Afghanistan 3.0
Serbia 2.9
Chad 2.6
Mali 2.3
Guinea 2.2
Burkina Faso 2.1
Niger 2.1

See: Data for individual countries and underlying data click on the country name
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