Serbia's Share of Global GDP Growth: 0.1%


Over the past 10 years the global economy has grown by 35%. Serbia's contribution to this Global GDP Growth was 0.1% when measured in Purchasing Power Parity terms with added estimates for the informal economy and allowances made for base year age.

Serbia's data is highlighted in the table below. Use the filter and sort order options to allow easy comparison with other countries.

Data source: World Economics Research, London

Country: World Economics
Data Quality Grade
GDP 2014
(Billions, Int$)
GDP 2024
(Billions, Int$)
Share of
10-Year Growth
China C 22,935 41,304 31.1%
India C 11,278 20,547 15.7%
United States A 21,452 26,889 9.2%
Indonesia C 3,860 5,920 3.5%
Türkiye B 2,427 3,929 2.5%
Egypt D 1,763 2,921 2.0%
Pakistan D 926 1,996 1.8%
Bangladesh E 1,080 2,089 1.7%
Russia B 6,580 7,582 1.7%
Vietnam E 1,112 2,056 1.6%
Mexico C 3,331 4,047 1.2%
Korea, Rep. A 2,592 3,306 1.2%
Philippines B 1,054 1,733 1.2%
Poland B 1,415 2,022 1.0%
Malaysia B 1,136 1,705 1.0%
United Kingdom A 3,599 4,147 0.9%
Saudi Arabia C 2,146 2,693 0.9%
Spain A 2,245 2,788 0.9%
Germany A 5,242 5,762 0.9%
France A 3,931 4,416 0.8%
Brazil B 5,007 5,479 0.8%
Taiwan A 1,160 1,595 0.7%
Japan A 5,886 6,310 0.7%
Thailand D 1,819 2,226 0.7%
Nigeria E 2,116 2,513 0.7%
Ireland A 288 681 0.7%
Italy A 3,408 3,770 0.6%
Canada A 2,158 2,515 0.6%
Australia A 1,444 1,780 0.6%
Ethiopia E 270 584 0.5%
Romania B 697 1,004 0.5%
Colombia B 1,001 1,295 0.5%
Kazakhstan D 747 997 0.4%
United Arab Emirates B 689 928 0.4%
Netherlands A 1,133 1,367 0.4%
Kenya C 291 507 0.4%
Singapore A 625 836 0.4%
South Africa B 1,076 1,275 0.3%
Uzbekistan D 245 434 0.3%
Peru D 648 836 0.3%
Israel B 387 559 0.3%
Tanzania D 235 400 0.3%
Cote d'Ivoire C 174 339 0.3%
Algeria C 660 822 0.3%
Chile B 564 725 0.3%
Dominican Republic B 216 356 0.2%
Belgium A 766 904 0.2%
Sweden A 635 771 0.2%
Switzerland A 660 796 0.2%
Ghana C 244 380 0.2%
Libya E 48 180 0.2%
Myanmar E 360 491 0.2%
Hungary B 366 490 0.2%
Guyana D 10 132 0.2%
Congo, Dem. Rep E 180 302 0.2%
Czechia A 492 607 0.2%
Portugal A 424 529 0.2%
Guatemala C 238 339 0.2%
Denmark A 387 488 0.2%
Panama D 150 247 0.2%
Morocco B 345 441 0.2%
Norway A 467 560 0.2%
Uganda D 133 217 0.1%
Nepal E 161 243 0.1%
Bulgaria B 208 284 0.1%
Cameroon D 143 214 0.1%
Hong Kong D 507 577 0.1%
Oman C 169 238 0.1%
Cambodia E 99 168 0.1%
Serbia C 178 246 0.1%
New Zealand A 216 283 0.1%
Croatia B 146 212 0.1%
Austria A 571 632 0.1%
Costa Rica B 117 178 0.1%
Sri Lanka C 376 432 0.1%
Greece B 416 472 0.1%
Senegal C 78 133 0.1%
Georgia B 81 134 0.1%
Qatar D 343 394 0.1%
Bolivia E 164 213 0.1%
Slovak Republic A 200 246 0.1%
Guinea E 52 97 0.1%
Turkmenistan D 89 133 0.1%
Lithuania A 123 164 0.1%
Paraguay D 132 172 0.1%
Azerbaijan E 290 330 0.1%
Mali E 75 113 0.1%
Zambia D 98 135 0.1%
Tajikistan E 33 70 0.1%
Laos E 59 94 0.1%
Benin C 49 84 0.1%
Burkina Faso C 57 92 0.1%
Armenia B 53 88 0.1%
Finland A 331 366 0.1%
Niger D 45 80 0.1%
Honduras E 81 116 0.1%
Uruguay B 128 161 0.1%
Rwanda C 33 66 0.1%
Slovenia A 95 126 0.1%
Tunisia D 180 209 0.1%
Jordan B 111 139 0.0%
Mozambique D 58 84 0.0%
Bahrain D 96 121 0.0%
Madagascar E 71 96 0.0%
Mongolia B 53 77 0.0%
El Salvador C 83 107 0.0%
Bosnia and Herzegovina D 63 86 0.0%
Cyprus B 38 61 0.0%
Zimbabwe E 94 116 0.0%
Nicaragua D 60 81 0.0%
Malta B 23 42 0.0%
Kyrgyzstan D 42 61 0.0%
Belarus C 336 355 0.0%
Luxembourg A 79 98 0.0%
Albania C 48 66 0.0%
Ecuador D 346 363 0.0%
Gabon E 83 101 0.0%
Latvia A 70 87 0.0%
Papua New Guinea E 50 67 0.0%
Togo C 25 41 0.0%
Argentina C 1,701 1,716 0.0%
Mauritania C 35 49 0.0%
Botswana B 57 70 0.0%
Estonia A 57 70 0.0%
Malawi C 41 54 0.0%
Mauritius B 31 44 0.0%
North Macedonia B 48 59 0.0%
Moldova B 45 55 0.0%
Iceland A 21 29 0.0%
Bhutan E 12 19 0.0%
Namibia C 40 47 0.0%
Eswatini D 17 23 0.0%
Gambia D 9 14 0.0%
Bahamas, The C 16 20 0.0%
Jamaica D 38 42 0.0%
Chad E 58 62 0.0%
Sierra Leone D 24 28 0.0%
Cabo Verde C 4 7 0.0%
Central African Republic E 9 11 0.0%
Guinea-Bissau E 5 8 0.0%
Brunei C 52 55 0.0%
Liberia E 13 15 0.0%
Burundi E 19 21 0.0%
Comoros D 3 4 0.0%
Lesotho D 9 9 0.0%
Yemen, Rep. E 60 59 0.0%
Trinidad and Tobago C 63 61 0.0%
Suriname C 19 17 0.0%
Haiti E 56 52 0.0%
Kuwait D 305 298 0.0%
Congo, Rep. E 84 76 0.0%
Angola E 537 526 0.0%
Afghanistan E 195 177 0.0%
Lebanon C 119 85 -0.1%
Sudan E 285 206 -0.1%
Ukraine B 1,049 897 -0.3%

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Data Quality Grade definitions:
         A: As good as it gets;
         B: Use with caution;
         C: Unreliable for many purposes
         D: Extremely poor quality.